How to Give Effective Feedback

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Giving sincere and thoughtful feedback is one of the most powerful ways to continuously improve your team. Here are our notes on giving feedback effectively.


Feedback is a gift! Don't be afraid to give it out, and welcome it when you receive it. Feedback:

  • Helps people grow and develop

  • Builds trust within teams

  • Strengthens team culture

  • Increases team productivity and happiness


  • It's your responsibility to request feedback from those around you

  • You should aim to give out as much positive feedback as constructive feedback

  • The best feedback often comes when you both genuinely care for someone as well as challenge them directly to improve


Use this framework for giving feedback: C.O.I.N.

  • Context: Describe the specific situation you want to discuss

  • Observations: State what happened. Keep to the facts

  • Impact: Explain the impact that this behaviour had on you, those around you, and the situation. Let the receiver ask questions to clarify things if necessary.

  • Next steps: Discuss ways to improve things, and come prepared with a suggested solution

C.O.I.N.​ ... because feedback is valuable! ;-)


  • When: Real-time is best. 20-30 min every 3 weeks is a good place to start.

  • How: Keep updated notes on positive things and things to improve. Spend 15 mins preparing for the chat before it happens.

  • Where: Make sure you have your feedback conversation at the right place and time: go for a walk or find a cafe. If the situation gets too emotional, take a break and revisit the conversation the next day

How to GuidesCat Byrne